Thursday, February 23, 2017

Megadeth Grammy reaction

                                          Megadeth Grammy Reaction

                They say the impossible is possible. I agree, as long as you stick to whatever impossible thing you're trying to accomplish. To some people, something might seem impossible if you keep trying but don't succeed. A lot of people felt this way about Megadeth winning a Grammy. Time and time again they were nominated, but with no result. Until this year. Finally after 12 times, Megadeth won a Grammy.
It was very cool to see them accept this award they've worked so hard for. But just because it took them this long to get a Grammy, doesn't mean they suck.
When you look at how long they've been around, plus how many albums they've released and sold, you'll realize that those facts speak for themselves. You don't always need an award to prove that you're good at something, and that's the case here.
But still, like a lot of people, I was very happy to watch the video of them accepting the award. It's also nice to see Dave so happy. He's gone through so much crap in his life, that it's nice to see him enjoying it. It's moments like these that make me feel confident. So confident that I feel like I can accomplish anything. I feel that moments like these don't happen that often, so I try to enjoy them while they last.

So, what did you guys think of Megadeth's Grammy win? I know it's late, but better late than never. Share your thoughts with me on Twitter @MJWesney. If you want updates on my blog, then you can follow me. Thanks for reading.

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