Saturday, December 12, 2020

Johnnie Guilbert "The Last Thing I want is Help" Review


Hello everyone. 

I know it's been a bit, but I am back with a post. Been dealing with personal issues, but I'm feeling better and am ready to get back into putting out more content for you all to enjoy. So today I want to share my thoughts on this album that just dropped yesterday. It's called "The Last Thing I want is Help", by Johnnie Guilbert. You may remember him from the last post I did. If you haven't yet, feel free to read it after you finish this post.

So he released his knew album and it is amazing. It really brought me comfort in the sense that he is willing to share his personal struggles, to remind us that we are never alone. Which brings me at peace, and it means a lot when musicians do this. The album brings up the struggles of depression, anxiety and even heartbreak/loss. The thoughts of just wanting to disappear so as to be at peace, which I think most of us can relate to. 

I feel as though each song is a little glimpse as to how he feels and it's expressed with well thought out lyrics and catchy instrumental. Thankfully this is only the start as he revealed that he will be releasing more at a faster pace. Which makes me happy cause he's not only following his dream, but also doing something creative such as writing music, is a great way to release our feelings and put a somewhat positive twist onto them. 

I just overall really enjoyed this album because I related so much to it. Some songs I really enjoyed were 'Anxiety', 'Welcome to hell', and 'Lost my Sanity." I highly recommend giving it a listen and maybe sharing with others, cause it really helps raise awareness towards mental illness. Which I think is so important, especially during the pandemic where we all feel trapped in our minds, alone and scared. This album is a nice little escape from that pain. So please go give it a listen. 

 I really hope you give this album a chance and I hope it helps you, even just a little bit. If you wanna keep up to date on what Johnnie is working on and releasing, then stay tuned for more posts. You can also follow him on twitter @JohnnieGuilbert. He also has an Instagram and Facebook, so check those out as well. I hope you all enjoyed this post. See you soon, and have a great day!

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Band Recommendation- Johnnie Guilbert and Til death do we part


     Hello everyone. I hope you are all doing well and staying safe. I'm trying to get back into a good schedule for posts. Been a little hectic during the week, so I'm going to shoot for weekends. 

  Anyway, today I wanted to talk about a musician I've recently discovered. His name is Johnnie Guilbert. He does solo music and also has a band called 'Til death do we part'. Johnnie started off his career as a YouTuber, at the age of 16, and became known for talking about his history with mental health, mostly depression. It really connected with people, and from then on he formed a fan base. In his videos he also discussed his love for music, how it helped him cope, and how he wanted to do it. 


All that struggle and hardship has led him to do what he loves, which is write and release music. I thought this would be an appropriate time to share what he does, cause his music hits deep and really helps to cope with what we're dealing with. Everyone is feeling down right now, due to the world, but Johnnie wants us to know we are not alone. He still struggles as well, but thankfully music helps us stay connected and fight everything together.

He mentioned he is working on an album and will release it towards the end of this year, and I'm very excited. As far as music to check out, my two fave songs from his solo work are 'Afraid' and 'Welcome to hell'. 'Afraid' makes me think about how scary we may feel to others, especially when depressed. He mentions not being able to escape a curse which I take as suicidal thoughts, but all he wants is for someone to love him. 'Welcome to hell' is about his struggle with religion. He grew up with it but had many doubts about if god was even real.

'Til death do we part' is harder to find out about, because all that comes up is the expression "till death do us part". They don't have very many songs but I recommend 'She makes sense' and 'Regret me not'.

I hope you guys check him out. He's a really genuine guy making music and raising awareness towards mental illness which I think is just super important. Thank you for reading this post. You can follow Johnnie on Twitter @JohnnieGuilbert. You can also follow 'Til death do we part' @tddwpmusic, and can follow the other half of the band Jake Bateman @jakexbateman. I will discuss his music in another post. 

Have a great day and stay safe.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Repentance 'God For A Day'


  Hello everyone. It's been awhile but I've been waiting for something really cool to talk about, and that moment has happened. On Sept 25th, Repentance unleashed their debut album onto the world. 'God For A Day' is out now. You can stream it everywhere and also purchase a physical copy if you're interested. They also have some merch if you need another cool shirt for your collection.

Now onto the review. I had the honor of getting early access to this album but didn't wanna share my thoughts till everyone could go check it out for themselves. First off, from start to finish, this album is a head banging masterpiece. This is what I expect from a band that labels themselves as a heavy metal band. Repentance did not hold back on the heavy goodness, from the guitar work and drums, to the very heavy and very talented vocals of Robby J. If you're a regular here, you'll recognize his name. I did a couple interviews with him that you can check out after you read this, if you so choose. 

I honestly did not want this album to end. From 'Only the damned die young' to 'Deliverance' felt like an instant. I got so wrapped up in how it all flowed together that before I knew it, it was over and I was still craving for more. It's hard to pick a favorite song on this album, cause they are such great tracks. I really like "Only the damned die young', 'Deliverance', and 'God for a day', to name a few. If you're looking for some good kick ass music either for working out, or just to enjoy, I highly recommend checking this out. They worked so hard to release this album, and I say it paid off nicely. 

This for me is a contender for album of the year, but it isn't over yet. If not the album of the year, it's definitely a highlight. I looked forward to this for so long and was not disappointed. Like I mentioned, you can go stream 'God For A Day' everywhere and physical copies are available for purchase via intercept music. Also highly recommend checking out their tees as well. Not only helps support them, but you also have a cool shirt to make your friends jealous.

You can follow them on social media @wearerepentance. You can also follow Robby @robbyjfonts. Thank you guys for reading this. I was happy to type up this review, and I do hope you all enjoyed. Have a good day and take care. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Band Recommendation- Attn Deficit Squirrel

    Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well as we continue to stay strong and get through this crazy time. If you're like me and are taking this time to expand on your music a bit, then I have an awesome recommendation for you. There's a new upcoming band from Cincinnati, Ohio, and they're called Attn Deficit Squirrel. They have a self titled EP coming out today, and I highly recommend checking it out after reading this review.

      I am a huge fan of what they've done so far. The EP consists of four amazing songs that I think will help you stay in a good mood during this depressing time. Their music is pop/punk and has the sound of great classic pop/punk bands such as Green Day, Jimmy eats world, etc.
   I'm going to share my review of each song. They are my first impressions of the vibe from each song along with my thoughts on the instrumental, vocals, and lyrics. Hope you enjoy.

Fine by me- So right off the bat, this song gives me some 90's Green Day vibes. It's got a nice, old school punk vibe. I love the upbeat instrumental, and the vocals are great.

Inside- I love how this song is upbeat while also having a nice gentle tone to it as well. It's a nice blend that is very enjoyable. Still get the old school punk vibes, which is a nice change of pace. I don't see that much in newer bands.

Slowing down- Love the little techy intro, thought it was a nice introduction. Still keeps the punk vibe, while also being catchy and pleasant. I really love the lyrics as well. I feel that they are relatable, and just bring an overall great message,

Time is on my side- This is my favorite. I love the attention to the guitar, especially in the intro. It has a nice, gentle intro. Not quite as punky as the others, but it's still upbeat enough to fit along with the others and is still a great listen.

I really hope you all give these guys a try. Their front man Scottie told me it was all DIY which I find very impressive. As I mentioned, their self titled EP is out today. You can find it on Spotify, Itunes, and Amazon music. You can follow them on twitter @ADSquirrel for all future updates. I do plan on interviewing the band here soon, so look for that as well. For any updates on the interview and future posts, you can follow me on twitter @fozzydeth.
Let me know what you guys thought. Would love to hear your opinions on their music, and I'm sure they would as well. You can let them know on twitter. You can also let me know on twitter or leave a comment down below. Thank you all so much for reading. Stay safe and I'll see you all in the next post.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Music can save your life...LITERALLY

            Hey guys. I hope you all are staying safe during this pandemic. Just remember to stay healthy, wash your hands, and stay inside. Now I know being in quarantine is lonely and depressing, I've found that for me, music is a great way to cope, and I feel the majority of you all can relate to that. If not, then I hope today's post will help you see the benefits of music relating to your health, and how you can incorporate it into your routine while at home.
    So today, I'm gonna share some facts and tips on how music can help you mentally, and how you can work it into your day. Now before I start, I read two articles to help me gather some facts, and I will link those at the end of this post. The tips come from me personally, on how I fit music into my routine and how you can to. So let's get started.

Now most of the facts I found related to music therapy, which is basically a practice some therapists use in which they do exercises with their patients on creating music and using it to express their feelings. Like songwriting can help one to express feelings they may never have before, or maybe didn't know how to properly express them.
The first article I read had a few good things to say about it: "Music therapy is classified as a form of expressive therapy that works to improve physical and mental health through expression of emotions. It consists of playing music, singing, or listening. It can help you deal with past trauma, improve social skills, and give you more confidence."

Now the second article I read had quite a bit about how music helps you and how you can incorporate it. The two facts I enjoyed were how having music in the background can help boost mental performance, I know for me, when I'm working on an outline for a post and doing some research, like I did today, listening to music can really help me stay focused. So if you're doing work from home, or are a student doing online classes, maybe putting some soft music in the background can help you.
But it could be used for other things such as cooking and doing chores.
   The other fact I enjoyed was how it can help reduce and manage stress. One thing I like to do is take time out of my day to just pop in a CD I love, and relax. Let it take me away to a world full of peace, and maybe even good memories associated with those songs. Doing so has helped me feel less stress, and I highly recommend doing so if you haven't already.

I really hope this post helps you out in managing your stress and sadness during this difficult time. Just remember that it won't last forever, and we will all get through this. If you're interested in reading these articles, here are the links:

Thank you for reading this. Please stay safe out there and be considerate of others, so as to prevent this disease from spreading more. It's a time for us to love one another so we may pull through. If you wanna keep up on future posts, you can follow me on twitter @fozzydeth. i'm gonna work hard and try to do a post everyday, because I know it helps me, and I hope it helps you all as well. Have a great day!

Monday, February 24, 2020

My take on new bands

        Hello everyone. I know I've been on a bit of a hiatus, but that's because I needed to take a break to try to find good topics to write about. One thing that has come up recently is people have asked me my opinion on new bands. The reason being because I'm an old school rock and metal fan, so most people are curious as to what I think about upcoming bands or even bands that may have been around a few years, but would be considered new to me. So today I'm just gonna talk about my opinion on new bands.

        Now first off, please be aware that I am in no way talking bad about newer bands. Every band works hard and does their best, and may have a big fan base. This is just how I feel about them. I'm not gonna rant and say they suck and you're a loser for listening to them. But rather share how and why i feel a certain way.
    So I get a ton of recommendations of bands to listen to. Either bands that are considered new to me, or upcoming bands trying to build a fan base. I will pick one song from each band and listen for about a minute. That usually is enough to give me some lyrics and the chorus. I'll usually listen to a few bands at a time, but I tend to notice something strange. To me, they all sound the same. Like, they're all different bands, with different styles and different singers, but their songs sound the same.
      Like whenever I listen to the radio, let's say Sirius Octane as an example, they'll play a song and I'm like okay cool. Then they'll play the next song, and honestly, if they didn't mention it was by a different artist, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. This is more with the instrumental stuff and less of the singing. I'm not gonna say a rap song sounds like a normal singing song. But this includes guitar work, and drums as well.
      I'm not saying it's a problem, I just find it strange. I know it takes a band awhile to find their sound and what they want to produce, it's all a big journey. It's just hard to differentiate between bands sometimes as a result. But there have been a few times where I'll find an upcoming band that has a totally different sound from most, which can be refreshing.

    But like I said before I started, I'm not hating on anyone or anything. I just wanted to share my opinion on this subject. I would also love to hear your take on it. So feel free to leave a comment or hit me up on twitter @fozzydeth. I'll have more posts coming soon. Thank you so much for reading, and have a great day!