Saturday, December 12, 2020

Johnnie Guilbert "The Last Thing I want is Help" Review


Hello everyone. 

I know it's been a bit, but I am back with a post. Been dealing with personal issues, but I'm feeling better and am ready to get back into putting out more content for you all to enjoy. So today I want to share my thoughts on this album that just dropped yesterday. It's called "The Last Thing I want is Help", by Johnnie Guilbert. You may remember him from the last post I did. If you haven't yet, feel free to read it after you finish this post.

So he released his knew album and it is amazing. It really brought me comfort in the sense that he is willing to share his personal struggles, to remind us that we are never alone. Which brings me at peace, and it means a lot when musicians do this. The album brings up the struggles of depression, anxiety and even heartbreak/loss. The thoughts of just wanting to disappear so as to be at peace, which I think most of us can relate to. 

I feel as though each song is a little glimpse as to how he feels and it's expressed with well thought out lyrics and catchy instrumental. Thankfully this is only the start as he revealed that he will be releasing more at a faster pace. Which makes me happy cause he's not only following his dream, but also doing something creative such as writing music, is a great way to release our feelings and put a somewhat positive twist onto them. 

I just overall really enjoyed this album because I related so much to it. Some songs I really enjoyed were 'Anxiety', 'Welcome to hell', and 'Lost my Sanity." I highly recommend giving it a listen and maybe sharing with others, cause it really helps raise awareness towards mental illness. Which I think is so important, especially during the pandemic where we all feel trapped in our minds, alone and scared. This album is a nice little escape from that pain. So please go give it a listen. 

 I really hope you give this album a chance and I hope it helps you, even just a little bit. If you wanna keep up to date on what Johnnie is working on and releasing, then stay tuned for more posts. You can also follow him on twitter @JohnnieGuilbert. He also has an Instagram and Facebook, so check those out as well. I hope you all enjoyed this post. See you soon, and have a great day!

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