Friday, March 10, 2017

The Agonist Five album review

                                                    The Agonist

    So I decided to check out The Agonist yesterday, and the first album I listened to was "Five". So I decided to do a review for it today.

So the album "Five" is the newest album featuring the new vocalist Vicky Psarakis. Now first off; I hesitated listening to this band because I'm not a big fan of female musicians. I have nothing against them, it's just I've never found one I liked. But then I heard Vicky's vocals, and fell in love. This woman is super talented, and can sing.
Now this album is a perfect combo of growling and normal singing. As I was listening to it, I imagined that the swapping between growling and normal singing, was like an exchange between two sides of the same person. Like the growling represented the side that might be angry with a certain issue, and the normal singing expressed the happiness, sorrow, etc. That's just how I saw it. But it, to me, made the album more interesting.
Every song on the album was better than the last. Like I would listen to one and be like, this is my favorite song. Then the next one would play and I would be like, nope it's definitely this one. It was just really good. Big shout out to Vicky and the rest of the guys for a job well done.

So if you are looking for something new, then I would recommend checking out The Agonist. I would definitely start with "Five", because it's such an amazing album. I rate it a 8/10.

Hope you enjoyed this review and recommendation. I'm going to check out more music from The Agonist and will have more posts on them soon. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this album. You can check out The Agonist on Twitter @TheAgonist. You can also check out Vicky @VickyPsarakis.
Thanks for reading guys. Be forever metal.

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