Thursday, March 2, 2017

Stuck Mojo

                                                     Stuck Mojo

Got another recommendation for you guys today. My recommendation is Stuck Mojo.
This band formed in 1989, but is not very well known. So I want to share this band, for those of you who are new. Now, I've only been a fan of this band since like late 2016. The reason is because they are a rap/metal band. I love metal, but I'm not a fan of rap. So I hesitated for the longest time on trying to listen to their music. But, I finally decided one day that I wanted to expand my horizons a little bit. Try something new. So I checked out their latest album "Here come the infidels", with new front man Robby J Fonts.
I've got to say that after listening to this album, I was blown away. I absolutely loved it, and I still love it. The rap doesn't bug me thanks to the groovy/heavy riffs courtesy of The Duke of Metal Rich Ward. Because with the metal part, it's not your typical rap. Rap usually has hip hop with it, which is what I don't like. But Stuck Mojo is rap/metal, emphasis on metal.
Anyway, after I checked out "Here come the infidels", I decided that I wanted to check out their other albums. But I didn't know where to start. So I asked Rich Ward on Twitter, and he gave me some suggestions. So huge shout out to Rich Ward, cause if it weren't for him, I wouldn't have discovered the other amazing albums that Stuck Mojo has to offer.
So for those of you who are interested in checking out Stuck Mojo, I'm going to give you the suggestion Rich Ward gave me. Check out "Here Come the Infidels" and "Declaration of a Headhunter". After that, I would check out "Rising", and then their other two albums "Snappin' necks" and "Pigwalk." After I listened to those, I then discovered "Southern Born Killers" and "Great Revival", and those two are good also.
That's all of their albums, for now. I know after listening to Stuck Mojo, I'm now excited for future albums.

So I hope you guys enjoyed this recommendation. I really enjoy helping people out when it comes to trying out new bands.
You can follow Stuck Mojo on Twitter @Wearestuckmojo. You can follow Rich Ward @thedukeofmetal. You can also follow their new front man Robby J @RobbyJFonts. If you enjoy their music, then send them a tweet. Show them you're love. I know they'll appreciate it.
Also, if you would like to, then you can follow me @MJWesney. I would love to hear your feedback on this post,and also on the others I've done.
Thanks for reading guys. Be forever metal.

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