Saturday, May 7, 2022

Fozzy- BoomBox


                   If you've been following my blog since it started, you will know how big of a Fozzy fan I am. That said, you could imagine my excitement when I found out that they would be releasing a new album. I anticipated every single that would be released in the meantime, and couldn't wait for new music after waiting five years since the release of Judas. Upon the release of the first single titled Sane, I was ready to see what Fozzy had to offer. Unfortunately what they offered was a cry for help.

               This album is not the Fozzy that I grew up with and enjoyed. Now given this is just my opinion and some may disagree or even think I'm being mean, just hear me out. Growing up, I loved and respected Fozzy for one reason. They didn't care about being a super, popular band back then. They made rock music and were doing what they loved. But after the success of Judas and how fast it hit the mainstream, it would appear that the focus is making more music to fit that mainstream build so to speak. Which would explain why each song has such a pop sound to it, instead of the heavy rock that Fozzy was once known for. 

           Listening to this album was very hard for me. I listen to music to help cope with my depression. yet nothing is more depressing then anticipating an album from a band you grew up with, only for it to be unrecognizable. If someone played a song off this album for me, without telling me it was Fozzy, I would never be able to guess. Even the vocals are bad because they are so heavily autotuned. They have a song on the album called What Hell is Like. Ya wanna know what hell is like? It's like listening to this album. 

         I will say this is definitely a step down for them and is the worst album they ever produced. Part of the problem could be their record company telling them they have to go a certain direction, but it just doesn't work for them. Many bands have tried something different throughout the years, but a lot of them stay around because they stick to their roots. In this case, Fozzy has not. I would like to rename the title of the album to The Death of Fozzy, because if they continue in this direction, they will never be truly the same again.

     My overall rating is a 3/10. I will say there was one song I enjoyed and I thought would save the album. Purifier has such a nice, heavy start and is a joy to listen to. If the whole album had been like that song, it could've saved them. But unfortunately, that is not the case.   

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