Hello everyone. It's been awhile but I've been waiting for something really cool to talk about, and that moment has happened. On Sept 25th, Repentance unleashed their debut album onto the world. 'God For A Day' is out now. You can stream it everywhere and also purchase a physical copy if you're interested. They also have some merch if you need another cool shirt for your collection.
Now onto the review. I had the honor of getting early access to this album but didn't wanna share my thoughts till everyone could go check it out for themselves. First off, from start to finish, this album is a head banging masterpiece. This is what I expect from a band that labels themselves as a heavy metal band. Repentance did not hold back on the heavy goodness, from the guitar work and drums, to the very heavy and very talented vocals of Robby J. If you're a regular here, you'll recognize his name. I did a couple interviews with him that you can check out after you read this, if you so choose.
I honestly did not want this album to end. From 'Only the damned die young' to 'Deliverance' felt like an instant. I got so wrapped up in how it all flowed together that before I knew it, it was over and I was still craving for more. It's hard to pick a favorite song on this album, cause they are such great tracks. I really like "Only the damned die young', 'Deliverance', and 'God for a day', to name a few. If you're looking for some good kick ass music either for working out, or just to enjoy, I highly recommend checking this out. They worked so hard to release this album, and I say it paid off nicely.
This for me is a contender for album of the year, but it isn't over yet. If not the album of the year, it's definitely a highlight. I looked forward to this for so long and was not disappointed. Like I mentioned, you can go stream 'God For A Day' everywhere and physical copies are available for purchase via intercept music. Also highly recommend checking out their tees as well. Not only helps support them, but you also have a cool shirt to make your friends jealous.
You can follow them on social media @wearerepentance. You can also follow Robby @robbyjfonts. Thank you guys for reading this. I was happy to type up this review, and I do hope you all enjoyed. Have a good day and take care.